Monday, October 28, 2013

String Cheese - Could this have caused my Migraine?

Cheese Lover Enjoys her Daily String Cheese Snack 
BAM! Migraine! What? Could this have caused it?

Guess what I learned today? That there is this culprit called Tyramine. I didn't really know much about this. I heard RED Wine could cause migraines from the Sulfur. But now I learn that there is Tyramine in many foods that are known for triggering migraines. So I start searching Google to absorb more information. I was sitting there feeling good, no headaches for once. To ward off a big of hunger till lunchtime, I decide I will be smart and have a snack with some protein - string cheese. I gobble it down. Sitting there doing some work - 15 minutes pass and I feel this sharp pain in my temple. I ignore it - going to be stubborn and think positive. Thump - thump - thump! Now I am feeling irritated. As the pain rises, I start downing water. This typically helps. I ask myself --- what NOW could be the cause? I wasn't doing anything stressful. In fact, nothing has changed. I replayed the morning in my head. Then it hit me. I just had a cheese stick. Denial was my friend. Despite, I began researching cheese as a possible migraine trigger. Along came TYRAMINE!!! Which led to my discovery of many other foods on this list. Turns out the very thing that I thought was helping me to limit GLUTEN in my diet, was possibly causing more migraines because I was eating dried fruits, raisins, and NUTS as snacks. In addition, I love bananas. To try and keep my good cholesterol up, I eat avocados too! So turns out all those FOODS are off limits when TYRAMINE is the cause for migraine. This leads me to reluctantly another trial diet of elimination. If this leads to a cure of all or MOST of my migraines, I will change my lifestyle. 

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